Saturday 24 April 2010

A Day in the Life of a Business Owner, Wife and Mother


As I sit here in the dark, I thought that it might be a good idea to write a little glimpse into my life as a business owner, wife and mother of two little ones. Our son just turned three and our daughter is six months. I am currently enjoying the time in our daughter’s life that does not allow me a full night of sleep. My husband was a stay-at-home dad when our son was born and now I am trying to take on the burden of our daughter’s night time feedings. I am awake as my husband, daughter, and son are asleep because many times I find myself waiting until I know that the entire house is asleep and comfortable before I can sleep. I then start watching TV and get stuck in a show. “Addicted” is tonight’s venture and then on to “Hoarders.” I feel for these people as my father is a recovered addict, whom I am immensely proud of, and my step-father has a touch of hoarding… or at least I think he does. Lord, they have enough stuff ly ing around their yard to look like it. I digress.

The reason I decided to write this melodrama that is my evening is because I want those of you going through the same thing to know that you are not alone. It can be done, and is being done by many others. Know that you can do this if you take baby steps. Let me tell of a typical day in the life of this Viteri. Pronounced “V-Terry” by-the-way. I know, I know. I tell my husband all the time, he made my life complicated with that name. I was a Carter. LOL

My day starts with the morning wake up which normally starts around 4am when my daughter starts stirring in her bed. I go to “plug” her with her pacifier and HOPEFULLY help her drift back off to sleep. I then crawl back into my bed until that horrible sound of the alarm begins, which I quickly smack to stifle the buzzing that is breaking my much needed sleep. Shortly after, I hear little feet coming into my room. I try to stay perfectly still to show him that I am sleeping but does that matter? No! I then hear “Mommy. Get up. Mooooooommyyyyyy. Get up. It’s time to go.” Uhhhhh. Fine! I have to get up. I go get my daughter who is now making cute little morning noises in her bed and bring her back to snuggle with the family for a few short minutes, grabbing for her brother’s hair and face. A few minutes later I give my gorgeous sleeping husband a few quick kicks to the butt to get him going and we are off and running; loading up the kids an d their bags. (Yes, it looks like we are moving everywhere we go.)

Now, to change from wife and mommy-mode to business woman and professional. A day of management, web-site design and SEO research, marketing strategies, cost reduction, and sales begins. I own an accounting firm, properties company, merchant services company, and marketing business. I love to see those small business owners who get to work at 11 just to leave at 2. Oh how I loathe them. LOL. Actually, I see that it is their right to choose when to come and go but they need to understand that if they do not put in the time, their business will not only begin to go stagnant, but if they are not careful, their competition will swallow them up. I want to constantly grow my business, expand, and stay ahead. This is what keeps me at the office as much as I can afford.

I am blessed to have my children at my office, but my husband and I designed it that way. We decided early on that we wanted the children there. Because we are so dedicated to building and growing our business, we have to put in the hours. Having our children with us allows us to do this without sacrificing the needed time with them. Every break we take can be spent with them and I love going back and kissing and holding them whenever I want. With this said, I know we are in the minority. We made the decision to make less and pay more for child care in the office. I will live as a one-car family watching what we spend, if it means my children can be with us at the office.

Some may think, as does my grandparents, “Your children need to be around other children to be happy and healthy.” Ask anyone who has ever been around my son and they will tell you that he is a little social butterfly. He greets people who come in the office. He plays with their children. He entertains the entire office on a daily basis. On Saturdays, he wakes us up in the morning asking if he can go to “his office.” We work a lot, yes, but we are a happy bunch.

Now for the evening. Around 6 or 7 we are headed home. Hopefully we can make it home without me having to reach back to give our daughter a bottle while riding home to keep her from screaming on the trip. We walk in the door and I begin to make dinner; not for dinner, but for the next day. We eat all meals at the office so the children do not eat too late in the evening. Every other day I try to make cookies. We are health-conscious so the more I can make myself, the better, including chocolate chip “Splenda” cookies. The hubby does his part and many times will mix the ingredients, do the dishes, take care of laundry, grab the baby when she is not happy about being in her little bouncy, or anything else that needs taken care of, but mom is the glue and the director of the chaos that is our evening.

It is then time for baths, prayers, and bed or at least the fight that starts over not wanting to go to bed. Then it settles down to a quiet stir. So here I sit at 10:30 at night writing to you and thinking about the fact that if I go to bed now, I might have about 3 hours before Caroline wakes up for her bottle.

I say this not to scare those of you who are single and living it up, but to encourage those who are in the same boat. I want to let you know that you are not alone. I love what I heard once. When men are executives or business owners, it is expected that their work will take them away from their families and the wives have to take up the slack. When mothers are in this position, we are still expected to be the mom and wife we always were along with striving to climb that corporate ladder or take our companies to great heights. Sorry ladies, that’s life. And hey, we can take pride in knowing that the guys can’t do it as well as we can. LOL

Blessings to all of you reading this blog/article and best wishes for a good night tonight.

How to Shower: Women vs. Men

Do women feel the difference between different men?

I am sure that women can feel the difference between sizes. Be that the technique is more important to please a woman than physical dimensions. What I want to know is whether the combination of each length, width and shape add to a unique feeling for each lover?

But honestly it does not so much as one might think. It's really hard to say how big it really just for doing there. As if it is much bigger / smaller than we are used of course you realize, but it is probably still I feel good. It has more to do with technology and communication and all that-at least for women, I believe that sex is more mental and emotional for some of us.

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